October 06, 2018 • Tyson Morrissy
The more you know… I was 16 when I first dragged my mum into VFA so I could sign up to become a trainer, for various reasons it wasn’t until I was in year 12 I started part time while completing VCE. I’ll tell you one thing now though, 16 or 18, I already knew it all, you just had to ask me. I was on the borderline..nah f%&# it, I was completely and utterly obsessed with digesting all the information I could about training, supplements and nutrition I could in this time period. There was a way to do...
September 12, 2016 • Tyson Morrissy
Where’d all the strong people go? I mean, I hear people say they’re training to get strong, they post about how they want to get stronger and yet their actions speak very differently to their intent. So let’s talk about 3 of the key mistakes people make when training for strength and how we can set you on the path to gigantean strength. 1. You’re a program schizophrenic. This one…no this one..but this program is better…but now maybe I’ll go back to that one, and so the cycle continues. If you’re going to do a program, do it, don’t try...